Rabu, 10 Oktober 2018

Indonesian fruit that does not exist in Korea

Indonesian fruit that does not exist in Korea

Hello guys... This time I will discuss various kinds of fruit that do not exist in Korea.

1. Srikaya


Srikaya is a fruit that grows in the tropics. The color of the fruit is yellowish green and the inside is white with many black seeds. The fruit is sweet. The mark if cooked is squeezed a little, will be soft.

2. Jerpaya / Jeruk Pepaya


Jerpaya is the fruit of the results of crosses between oranges and papaya. The shape is like mangoes with orange skin texture. This fruit is eaten by the meat. The meat is like papaya and there are contents like orange. It tastes sweet. But the contents are rather sour.

3. Kedondong


Kedondong is oval in shape. If it's still raw green, but it can still be eaten even though it's still young. but it tastes very sour. Suitable for eating for mothers who are pregnant. If it is ripe, the fruit is yellow. It tastes sweet and sour. Can be eaten with salt to neutralize the sour taste. In the fruit there are contents that are like fiber. How to eat it is peeled first. Try to lightly peel it off so it won't be bitter.

4. Sawo

Sawo biasa

Sawo is a very soft type of fruit. This fruit is brown. Inside there are seeds that can be used to make whistles. the flesh is very tender if cooked. How to eat it can be peeled first. This fruit is also very sweet. There are 3 types of Sawo fruit. Namely Sawo Biasa, Sawo Bludru, and Sawo Kecik. Sapodilla is usually like sapodilla in general.

Sawo Bludru is now rare. This fruit is green and inside it is white like jelly. All types of sapodilla have a sweet taste. This form of sapodilla is like an apple.

Sawo Bludru

While Sawo Kecik is very small in shape like chili. The color is maroon if cooked.

Sawo Kecik

5. Manggis


Mangosteen is a fruit that has many benefits. In addition to the fruits that can be eaten, the skin can be made drugs to prevent cancer. This fruit is in dark color and the contents are white. How to eat it is quite easy. Press the top so that the skin is cracked and then eat the inside. It tastes sweet and slightly sour. This fruit is also unique. If you look at the bottom, you will definitely find a type that can be counted. Now the sign can be used to find out the contents in the fruit.

And many more ... On the next occasion I will discuss it again.

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2018

The Beauty of Tourism in Indonesia "Bukit Pengilon"

The Beauty of Tourism in Indonesia
"Bukit Pengilon"

Bukit Pengilon saat Sunset

Bukit Pengilon located in Tepus, Purwodadi, Gunung Kidul, Area Hutan, Balong, Girisubo, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The trip can be reached by walking or motorbike. I have traveled by walking or motorbike. The distance from the Siung beach to the Bukit Pengilon is quite far. about 2.5 km.

From the Siung beach you have to follow the path. Along the way, you will be presented with a magnificent view. On the way there is another tourist spot, Banyu Tibo. A kind of small waterfall that flows into the ocean. The clear water adds beauty. you can go down through the path provided. But still be careful if you want to go down. Because it could have slipped down to the sea.

If you have arrived at Bukit Pengilon, you are required to pay cleaning money. You can walk around the hill and don't forget to take pictures. Because the spot is cool. Don't be afraid of overheating. A gentle breeze comes continuously. Beautiful, one word that can describe it.

There you can feel the beauty of nature and as if you were in a private island. Because this place is still natural and rarely visited by domestic and foreign tourists. If you are on vacation in Jogja, all you have to do is visit Gunungkidul. Don't forget to taste the culinary too.

I suggest coming to Bukit Pengilon at the turn of the season. Because if it's in the dry season, this place looks barren. But if it's the rainy season, the plants begin to flourish and are good for taking photos. You can also come in the afternoon to see the sunset with your beloved lover.

Happy holidays guys.... I'm waiting for you holiday in my places... see you next time

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2018

Motivasi diri

Hay guys... kembali lagi kita di blog cinta ilmu. Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang motivasi diri.

Mungkin diantara kalian sudah mengenal apa itu motivasi diri. Tapi banyak juga diantara kalian meremehkan hal tersebut. Pertama yang perlu kalian ingat adalah jika sukses jangan lupa lihat bawah dan begitu pula sebaliknya. Jika kita berada di bawah berusahalah melihat ke atas.

Tanamkan pada jiwa dan hati kalian untuk ada kata optimis. Percayalah teman... hasil tidak akan pernah menghianati proses. Kita hanyalah manusia biasa. Seperti saya. Saat ini saya sedang dalam keadaan dimana titik terendah dalam hidup saya. Tapi saya tidak menyerah. Hidup ini akan terus berjalan tanpa memperdulikan siapapun.

Hidup ini tidak akan pernah berubah jika bukan kita yang merubahnya. Jangan harap orang lain bisa merubah jalan hidup kita. Jangan biarkan orang itu masuk mempengaruhi jalan hidup kita. Saya cuma ingin berpesan agar kalian lebih bijak menghadapi kerasnya kehidupan.

Jangan takut untuk memulai. Kalau bukan sekarang, kapan lagi kalian bisa memulainya. Hiduplah dengan baik. Jika suka kalian ungkapkan dengan baik tetapi jika kalian tidak suka maka diamlah dan jangan melukai hati siapapun.

Coba buka mata kalian. Lihat sekeliling. Seperti contohnya pengamen. Pemerintah melarang memberikan uang kepada pengamen dan pengemis. Dan ya. Pemerintah berniat baik untuk itu. Tapi caranya salah. Tidak semua pengamen dan pengemis kebagian dari uang itu. Apakah dia harus menunggu sampai mati dulu agar bisa makan? Jawabannya tidak. Dia berusaha mencari uang agar hidupnya tetap berjalan.

Dan dari situ kita bisa mengambil kesimpulan bahwa hidup kita tidak bisa tergantung kepada orang lain. Orang lain tidak berhak mengatur hidup kita. Buktikan kepada mereka yang tidak percaya dengan motivasi diri sendiri. Buktikan kepada mereka jika kalian mampu bertahan didalam kerasnya dunia ini.

Akhir kata saya ucapkan terimakasih karena sudah meluangkan waktu untuk berkunjung di blog saya. Mohon maaf bila ada tutur kata yang kurang berkenan di hati semua pihak.

Indonesian fruit that does not exist in Korea

Indonesian fruit that does not exist in Korea Hello guys... This time I will discuss various kinds of fruit that do not exist in Korea. ...